We put down different types of poison and a trap but the mice were too clever and didn’t touch them. I was getting more and more stressed and couldn’t sleep after my kind neighbour tried to comfort me by telling me that last year he was killing three mice a day – some in his bed!! I killed one mouse with a broom, but the others were just too quick.
The last resort was to bring in a cat. I was a bit uncertain about this idea as it would be a disease ridden stray cat, not a pet (as no one has pets here) and I was scared of fleas (-I have enough of those already-) plus Typhus, Rabies etc.
While I was weighing up the pros and cons of having a cat, I heard a knock on my door. It was my friend holding a cat by the scruff of its neck. Next thing I knew she threw the cat in my house and went. I was terrified! The cat frantically tried to find a way out of my house. It was equally terrified of being locked in a house as it normally roams free. It was crying to be let out and I was going to open the door, but then I thought about how nice it would be actually fall asleep at night. So the cat stayed and mostly cried at the windows or hid behind the sofa. I felt very cruel. I told my friends that I felt sorry for the cat but they said that the more the cat cries, the more scared the mice will be. Anyway the cat stayed for two days and then it escaped when the door opened.
But so far so good. I haven’t seen any mice for a few days. I just hope they don’t come back. I had to do some extreme cleaning with Dettol after that.
Needless to say, I’m sleeping much better now, but I keep getting bitten by fleas now! I can’t blame this problem solely on the cat as there are always fleas – from the grass, from farm animals, from other people’s houses and so on. They get into the seams of your clothes and then bite you several times in the same area. EVERYWHERE! Everyone here gets bitten by them frequently, but Ethiopians don’t have the same reaction as ‘ferengis’. They say they feel a mild irritation but mine swell up and itch for weeks. At least there are no malarial mosquitos though. I think the only thing I can get from the fleas is Typhus which doesn’t sound so great, but better than Malaria I’m sure.
For those of you that think I’m on holiday, I’m not. I have been working! I’ve had several meetings and am arranging a programme for the different things I will do. I’m really excited and slightly scared. I will explain what my work will be next time.